
History Advising

History Department Advising at CSUDH

Advising Schedule
Advising is required every semester. Students must meet with an advisor in early October (for Spring registration) and late March (for Fall registration) to remove departmental holds and register for classes

Meet Your Advisors
Our faculty advisors are dedicated to helping you succeed. Contact them for guidance on course selection, program requirements, and career planning.

Graduation Advisement
Students must fill out a Graduation Advisement Form by the third week of the semester before graduation. Consult with department faculty or a designated history department undergraduate advisor for assistance.

Essential Forms
Access important forms, including the Graduation Advisement Form and course worksheets, through the department's forms page. 

The history program is designed to allow students maximum flexibility to tailor their major to their interests and needs. Students should therefore seek faculty advisement upon entering the program. Faculty advisors work with students to provide information about departmental requirements, course availability, course work, and career options. Advisors will also help students prepare for graduate work in history and related fields.

The Department also requires advising every semester. Students will notice a departmental hold on their accounts and will not be able to register for the next term without meeting with an advisor. Students should expect to meet with an advisor in early October (for Spring registration) and late March (for Fall registration).

Students expecting to graduate must also fill out a Graduation Advisement Form by the third week of the semester before the expected semester of graduation.  Both forms must be filled out in consultation with department faculty or a designated history department undergraduate advisor.

Note that professors listed below provide major advising.

History Faculty

Dr. Laura Talamanteltalamante@huakangbook.comLaCorte Hall, A-311(310) 243-3494Department Chair
Dr. Kate Fawverkfawver@huakangbook.comLaCorte Hall, A-311(310) 243-3494Professor
Dr. Joshua Jeffersjojeffers@huakangbook.comLaCorte Hall, A-319(310) 243-1084Assistant Professor
Dr. Andrea Johnsonanjohnson@huakangbook.comLaCorte Hall, A-135(310) 243-2936Associate Professor
Dr. Chris Montycmonty@huakangbook.comLaCorte Hall, A-317(310) 243-3469Professor
Dr. Bianca Murillobmurillo8@huakangbook.comLaCorte Hall, A-307(310) 243-1083Professor
Dr. Daniel Santanadansantana@huakangbook.comLaCorte Hall A-313(310)243-2242Assistant Professor
Dr. Kerry Shannonkshannon@huakangbook.comLaCorte Hall, A-347-Assistant Professor